News: Program for the Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Merry

Monastery brotherhood and abbot of Bachkovo invite all Orthodox Christians to take part in prayer during the services of the patron of monastery the Assumption of the most Holy mother of our Lord Jesus Christ Virgin Merry on 15.08.2015.
Services will take place in the following order:
To at the beginning on 14.08 in 19`00 o’clock is a small vespers of ninth hour;
20-21 o’clock time out;
The vigils start in 21 o’clock:
1. Povecherie with Great Vespers at Vespers will be read the Great canon of Mary in front of the miracule working icon of the Holy Virgin of the Bachkovo monastery.
2. Around 23 o’clock petohlebie(blessing of five breads).
3. In midnight will start the Matins. Will be celebrate funeral of Mary, after that the Procession led by the festive icon of the Assumption and a copy of the miracule working icon of the monastery will start.
A public devotions for health and subsides disaster for the entire Bulgarian nation will be done at the gates of the monastery. Then lithium will return to the templ.
4. Around 4`00 o’clock in the morning on 15.08 begins St.Liturgy.
5. Around 7`00 o’clock in the morning in the courtyard will be blessed the water for health.
6. In 12`00 o’clock It will be sanctified kurban who the monastery brotherhood donates traditionally to all Christians shared feast.
7. 18`00ch. is celebrated Great Vespers.
The temple and monastery will be open continuously from 14.08 until 15.08 in the evening as there are visitors.
The whole cycle of church services will be served with participation of choral society, including members of the chor "Roman the Melodist".
TV7 is the media, which took the coverage of the festival, there will be direct broadcasting of moments of the mass and "Joker Media” has provided video wall in the courtyard, liturgical cycle will be broadcast continuously and directly on which.
Brotherhood of the monastery did their best to provide constant medical team, mineral water, donated by the "New Trade" Ltd., fire and police protection to ensure the security of  the public order.
Monastery brotherhood invites all people to follow strictly the provisions of law to proceed the Holy feast peacefuly.

Support us

The monastic fraternity constantly makes every endeavor to maintain the Cloister of the Holy Virgin at its best condition; this is the condition the cloister really deserves to be in, in order to welcome the thousands of pilgrims that visit it every year, truly beautifully and impress them.
The maintenance of the fund and the restoration of the many unique frescoes, inherited by the holy forefathers, could be quite costly and the monastery does not always manage to cover all the expenses. For this very reason, we turn for help to every Christian and to everyone who values the Bachkovo monastery, to contribute within their means and thus join our efforts.

Every charitable deed will be welcomed with honest gratitude and intercessory prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother for wellbeing and success of the contributor and their family.


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